Feb 25, 2020
Chris Fleming steps in to join us for Series 3, Episode 3 of the Re-Thinking the Human Factor Podcast.
If you have been with us here for sometime you will know we strive to bring you the highest caliber guests for your listening delight. ...
Feb 18, 2020
Kenda MacDonald joins us in the hot seat for Series 3, Episode 2 of the Re-Thinking the Human Factor Podcast. We are absolutely thrilled to have Kenda MacDonald on the show today. As I’m...
Feb 11, 2020
Jason Hoenich joins us as we return for Series 3, Episode 1 of the Re-Thinking the Human Factor Podcast. We are glad to be back after our hiatus having made a few changes to the podcast that we hope will add value and increase our reach so we can...